Are there only 36 story dramatic situations?

nlalit.comAre there only 36 story dramatic situations? Georges Polti (1916), a French writer from the mid-nineteenth century ( born in 1868 ), described 36 situations as the foundation of all literary work or stories. Although some of the plots challenge the wholeness, logicality and integrity of this summation, it does give writers the required motivation and tool around which plots could be developed.

Many have hailed the list as a complete reference guide. Polti himself said ‘There are exactually 36 dramatic situations … and therein we have all the savor of existence.’

However, he later admitted that there could be more or less to the list. Polti analysed classical Greek texts, ancient and contemporary French works to build the list. He also studied a handful of non-French authors too.

Incidentally, Carlo Gozzi also identified 36 situations.

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