Literary Tattoo Guide

Unlike olden days, tattoos have evolved into art, and a form of self-expression. This can be seen from the diverse subjects / themes it exploits; typically revolving around elements such as deities, symbols, doodles, flora and fauna. Some even exploit religious aphorisms. Tattoo enthusiasts-cum-bookworms on the other hand have always …

The English Book Shop – Chandigarh Visit

Chandigarh, known for its serene gardens, auditoriums, museums and punctilious planning, played host to a different kind of emotion. This time it introduced the magic of words. I had the distinct pleasure of spending a day in the city, not as a sightseer but as an author connecting with the …

Play Pause – From Flash Fiction to Novel

Play Pause is now a full-fledged manuscript and not a flash fiction. What started out as a 100 word short story has today evolved into a 50,000 word novel. The transformation didn’t happen overnight. Here are the chronological changes—from an ultra-sleek short to a standard fiction book. The title of …

5 Self-editing Tips & Tricks for Writers

Professional manuscript editing is a pricey affair. Not everyone can afford it, especially those writers who toil at their laptops all night because they have to maintain their day jobs for that sustained livelihood. In such a scenario, spending thousands of dollars is just not possible. The mathematics of editorial …

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