Basic Fiction Writing Tips

Usually, I refrain from writing about “Fiction writing” techniques, tricks and tips. There are much better blogs/articles already floating in the cyber world. Nonetheless, the temptation this time around was too strong to resist. Moreover, I had to kill the demon called procrastination. This blog helped me do that! Mentioned …

What is fiction writing?

Fiction writing is extremely evocative… You live and die a thousand times. According to Wikipedia, fiction writing is “The composition of non-factual prose texts, often produced as a story meant to entertain or convey an author’s point of view”. What it doesn’t mention is the fact that fiction writing evokes …

What is upmarket fiction?

The term ‘Upmarket’ fiction has been around the literary landscape for a long time now. However, it is only in the recent times that this word has caught the fancy of writers, literary agents and even readers. This abrupt empathy is because of its versatility. Books belonging to this genre …

Enamoured of love

Universe and the world in which we live in, it seems, are in a state of perpetual change. While galaxies have emerged and perished, closer home nature, people, beliefs have also evolved. Yet, there is one essential element of life which has resisted metamorphosis emphatically; love.

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