In the world of fiction everything is beautiful –

nlalit.comAfter scribbling for months a writer reached a point in his manuscript where he wanted to introduce his protagonist’s illness. Incidentally, that illness was serious. The situation turned him thoughtful. He shifted his glasses over his head, squared his shoulders, crossed one leg over the other, leaned back and pondered on the best way to present it to his readers.

It dawned on him that illnesses in books and even in films, and that too of grave consequences were portrayed in a timid manner, sometimes even glamorised. Even death appeared vibrant. Wasn’t it contradictory he questioned himself?

– How deep do I dwell into the pain, the physical changes and the wretched side effects of medicines before some reader screams “Someone stop this sadist.”

– But then, isn’t ugliness an integral part of illness, he thought. Yes, it is … only in real life. In the world of fiction everything is beautiful.

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