Is author name a success parameter?“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose …
… by any other name would smell as sweet.”

The above argument by Juliet, a character from one of William Shakespeare’s popular work Romeo and Juliet symbolises the fact that love sees, hears and speaks no ill. It doesn’t matter to her that Romeo belongs to a rival house, a Montague. She believes there’s nothing in a name.

Juliet might have no issues, but authors should certainly look at theirs with a magnifying glass. A chic, elegant and contemporary name can easily charm readers and convert that infatuation into a “Sale”. On the other hand a vintage or queer name gives birth to resistance, a mild reluctance, especially when it doesn’t complement the writer’s genre.

Like a book cover even author name plays an important role in the success of a book. Many writers therefore opt for a pen name to overcome this setback. But switching over to a secondary name can sometimes prove counterproductive.

Mentioned below are some of the advantages of writing under a pen name –

1. A catchy pen name boosts sales.
2. If selected carefully it can complement writer’s style and genre.
3. A boon for those who want to keep their identity a secret because they pen down erotica or gay stories.
4. A parallel name helps in case a writer is already an established entity in another literary arena.

Here are some of the disadvantages –

1. Readers may not appreciate a writer’s work when they realise it has been written under a ghost name. It may impact future projects too.
2. Pen names could be deceiving. For example, a deliberately picked up gender-neutral name can send out confusing signals. This may limit gender based fan-following.
3. Hiding behind a pen name may turn readers cautious.
4. Readers typically create an image of a writer through his/her name. Imagine a very contemporary name belonging to a seventy year old author. It will instantly deflate readers’ enthusiasm even if the book is well written.
5. Writing under alias diffuses “Real” identity, an essential “Success” parameter, and the one that allows authors to connect with readers.

Conclusion –

Author name plays an important role, especially in the life of aspiring writers. A catchy, inspiring name that complements a writer’s genre offers distinct head start.

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