When is the best time to write?

nlalit.comThe above question has always been one of the hottest discussions on many writing forums and social networking websites and will continue to rule these platforms. After having read hundreds of answers from writers all over the world it became evident that “Morning” was the preferred choice of many, especially “Early Morning”. Most of them agreed they were at their creative best between 4:00 AM to 8:00 AM.

So, why is this period considered conducive to writing? Here are some of the possible and plausible answers.

1. One of the biggest advantages of starting out early is the absolute silence that this period offers. Writers therefore tend to create memorable characters and authentic dialogs ( They can actually read it aloud if the need arises which incidentally is a good habit ) in such an hushed ambience.

2. Human brain performs efficiently during the wee hours. This could be due to secretion of certain chemicals that enhance creative and literary quotient.

3. The power hours ( 4:00 AM to 8:00 AM ) also means coffee/tea session/s. The abrupt burst of energy from caffeine based drinks perks up the spirits, and thereby the feel-good factor which in turn allows them to experiment with their skills and their work.

4. Brain cells are at their artistic and imaginative best after a short/long nap.

Most of the participants on these discussion boards also agreed that “Early Morning” was great for developing complex plots, characters and scenes while editing and other mundane writing tasks were best left for latter half of the day.

However, there are several schools of thought. Some find evenings and the time before hitting the bed to be the most productive hours, in creative terms. Then there are others who believe extreme emotional triggers ( Pain or Joy ) push them into the groove. Many well known authors from yesteryears have proved that no time is perfect time. These writers carried bits of paper, notepad and even tissue papers to scribble dialogs or write that million dollar idea ( Plot ) which incidentally may popup anytime.

Writers have penned down their literary works amidst distracting chores such as serving drinks or pizzas, and sometimes while performing uncomfortable duties. Some of the other places where writers have found to be scribbling at odd hours are park bench, train and bus journey, airport and even in the loo.

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