Of readers and reading platforms

nlalit.comThere was a time when summer vacations were synonymous with binge-reading. Maybe it was in the genes or maybe it was the way kids were raised. Back then, parents set a good example and therefore never had to drive home a point. Reading was one such habit which they encouraged wholeheartedly. After all, they themselves were voracious readers. Not surprising then children followed their footsteps without coercing.

If that was not enough, grandmother took over at night, narrating stories of bygone eras and tales which were exciting and meaningful. That her story-telling was not limited to any particular genre also helped. It allowed kids to expand their ‘Knowledge horizon’. No wonder then brick and mortar bookshops and libraries thrived, and always brimmed with eager readers. There was this undeclared competition amongst youngsters, a kind of race to read as many books as possible and win accolades from elders, friends and teachers.

Alas! Not any more.

Today, summer vacations are spent travelling to exotic destinations, chatting and texting via mobile devices, watching films in multiplex cinema halls, or simply catching up with friends in some fancy, upmarket café or pub. A few of them who still manage to find time to read, accomplish the task on some handheld gadget or eBook reader which more often than not distracts the reader with its array of functions. Many of them therefore never finish … which brings up an important question. Do electronic display devices offer a gratifying experience?

I don’t think so. Not for me at least!

The smell of printing ink and paper of a new book can never be experienced on an e-book reader or computer screen. Another important aspect of owing/reading a paperback is the sense of attachment. A reader gets emotionally involved with the story and the characters. This doesn’t happen while reading on electronic devices.

The day is not far when paperbacks will be obsolete. In such a scenario, people like me who love the physical touch of books will find it difficult. Print on paper can never be replaced. I dread to think of the day when paperbacks will only be found in museums. On the positive side, the popularity of e-book readers mean reduced consumption of paper which in turn will lead to preservation of forests, taming global warming, etc.

So cherish, preserve and spend some time with books. You won’t be disappointed. Promise!

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